Exchanging gifts party of IQ members at Christmas of 2018-IQBoard
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Exchanging gifts party of IQ members at Christmas of 2018


When the bell rings for Christmas 2018, Santa Claus arrives at IQ on his reindeer sleigh! Our Christmas activity — “Exchanging gifts at Christmas” finished with joy and laughter.

We use the 7-meter-long IQBoard PCT to show the party introduction to our mates.

Part One

At 9:00 a.m. on December 24th, Our Company was bedecked with baubles and awash with Christmas cheer. IQ members piled small gifts they had prepared carefully under the Christmas tree.

Everybody was?very?pleased to?see?Xmas?decorations.

Part Two

At 3:00 PM on December 25th, with the familiar melody of “Jingle Bells. Our Christmas activities started on time.Picked a number in the box, selected the paired gift, opened it with great interest; someone was surprised by the favorite gift while someone was amused by the spoof one. What an unforgettable memory for IQ members!


Part Three

Here comes the first, second and third Christmas prize!

Our Santa Claus — President Yang?? wearing a funny Hogwarts style Christmas hat to pick the first, second and third prize.

The first prize went to President assistant-HuiJu, ??What a surprise!?? She said, ??This is just what I want??!

This Christmas activity promotes the friendships among IQ members and warms the whole winter.

We are looking forward to the surprises of next year’s Christmas IQ.


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