Give Students a Role in Their Education-IQBoard
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Give Students a Role in Their Education


In a traditional classroom, the teacher is the person who leads and controls the learning process. Students are passive participants in that experience. But in an online classroom, you can flip this dynamic on its head by giving students more opportunities to take an active role in their education. Your students will have more say over what they learn, how they learn it, and when they learn it—and these factors will make their online experience more memorable and personal than ever before.

Offer a variety of ways to learn
●  Offer a variety of ways to learn. Providing a variety of ways for students to learn and engage is critical to their success, which is why it's important that you provide opportunities for them to do so.

●  Give students access to different types of learning resources. The more resources you have available for your students, the better equipped they'll be to succeed in whatever they choose!

Create opportunities for social learning
Social learning is a form of student-centered learning that benefits all students, not just those with high self-efficacy. Social learning can take place in a group or individually, face-to-face or online and even a combination of both. It can be used to reinforce existing concepts or as a way for students to learn new ones.

Emphasize group projects
Teamwork is a great way to learn, and it can be even more effective when students are given the chance to work in groups. Whether you're teaching math, science or English—or any other subject—group projects can help students gain valuable skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Students who participate in group learning have an opportunity to learn from each other's strengths, exposing them to new perspectives and ideas. Working together allows them to develop communication skills like sharing ideas and collaborating towards a common goal. Additionally, teamwork teaches students how to work with people who are different from them (e.g., older or younger), which is important because these opportunities don’t always come up at home or school.

Provide multiple means of expression
Make it easy for students to share their work. Provide multiple means of expression.

●  Make it easy for students to share their work. For example, consider using an online portfolio system so that students can easily publish and update their work throughout the year instead of just at the end of a course.

●  Allow students to use social media platforms as part of their classroom communication plans, such as blogs or Twitter feeds where they can post responses and ask questions related to class content or assignments.

●  Encourage them to create videos or podcasts based on the course material, which are then shared via YouTube or iTunes U (an educational site where educators can upload podcasts).

Encourage student input and feedback.
Give students a voice. One of the best ways to help students develop as learners is to give them a voice in their education. This includes letting them share their thoughts and feelings about class content and activities, giving them opportunities to provide feedback on what they find helpful or not helpful, and making sure that you listen carefully when they speak up. You can also get creative with this type of learning by having students offer their opinions on topics related to your class (e.g., “How would you grade our work?”).

Use student feedback for improvement:

Encourage students' input by explicitly asking for it, either verbally or through written surveys or surveys that are completed anonymously online (e.,g., SurveyMonkey). Listen attentively when they do speak up; don't just put up your hand, but listen carefully when someone else has something important to say!

Make use of flexible scheduling
●  Flexible scheduling: This can be a great way to keep students engaged. If a student has a test on Monday, and it's not due until Wednesday, that student could use their time wisely by taking advantage of flexible scheduling for the rest of the week. They could go back and review what they learned in class or take part in an extracurricular activity or participate in some other activity that benefits them academically.

●  Make use of collaborative learning: Collaborative learning is when groups of students work together on projects or assignments rather than working independently from each other. This is beneficial because it encourages collaboration between students which leads to better teamwork skills which are essential when it comes down to working on teams with your peers when you get older.

●  Use technology appropriately: Technology provides many great tools for educators but there needs to be a balance between using these tools appropriately so that they do not become distractions instead of learning aids such as cell phones, computers/laptops etcetera

Use team teaching
Team teaching isn't a new idea, but it's one that many teachers still don't use. Why? Some may be concerned about having enough time to teach and grade every student individually, but the truth is that team teaching can benefit both students and teachers through interactive display tools in multiple ways. Here are some benefits of team teaching (and for your students):

●  Teams are more productive than individuals. When working on group projects, individual members of the group have to learn how to collaborate with each other and work as a unit rather than independently on their own work. This also helps them practice communication skills and foster better relationships with others—which are essential skills for life after school!

●  Team members learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses—plus they can help each other out when needed (like when one member doesn't understand something). Essentially, this teaches teamwork fundamentals early on so that kids won't have trouble later on when they're working in groups at their jobs or with friends/family! Plus now that everyone knows what everyone else needs from them personally then it'll be easier for them all around :)

Make sure students are actively engaged in the content area
It's important that students are actively engaged in the content area. When students are engaged, they learn more and retain more of what they've learned. Students should feel empowered to take charge of their education, which means giving them a voice in their studies—and that starts with giving them a place at the decision-making table when it comes to what they're learning.

You can make the online classroom experience more personal and memorable by giving your students a chance to take charge of their education.
You can make the online classroom experience more personal and memorable by giving your students a chance to take charge of their education. The most effective teachers know they are there to facilitate learning, not just teach from the front of the room. The best way for students to learn is through exploration, experimentation, and discussion with peers. While teachers play an important role in this process by providing guidance and direction, ultimately students will be most successful if they are encouraged (and given opportunities) to take ownership of their own education.

The bottom line is that we want to give students a more personal and memorable experience in their online classroom. We want them to be able to share their thoughts, ideas, and feedback with each other. There are many ways to do that! You can create opportunities for social learning by having group projects or making use of flexible scheduling. And you can offer multiple means of expression so they don’t feel like they have only one way—or no way at all—to say what they need to say. Another option would be team teaching, where students get together as groups but different instructors teach them at different times during the week based on their availability (instead of traditional lecturing). These options allow students more freedom when it comes down to how much time they spend on coursework each day instead of being confined within four walls attend lectures at predetermined times every week."

IQTouch Interactive touch screen displays are masterful at enabling collaboration. Multitouch capabilities let several students manipulate onscreen content. It’s an ideal way for learning group to brainstorm, present, and analyze text or images. Collaboration software gives students the power to show their ideas with the function of sharing their personal screen or mobile device, which extremely maximizes the interactivity between teacher and students. IQTouch also has the option of a slot-in PC that will make the display a fully functional Windows computer. It is compatible with various types of apps and you can download whatever you like, with the support of IQOS, you can place the location of the app in the design icon, and open it easily on the interface of the IQTouch. It is very helpful for both educators and students to enhance dynamic learning on the touch screen.

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