How to improve education level with Interactive Flat Panel-IQBoard
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How to improve education level with Interactive Flat Panel


Interactive displays are a means to build communication bridges between teachers and students, and promote their collaboration. When students focus on the display screen in their hands, it can help create an interactive and collaboration atmosphere.

Bringing Greater Inclusivity
Interactive flat panel displays help teachers offer more learning opportunities to more students:
Lessons that bring students to the board let kinesthetic learners get up and move Videos and multimedia presentations appeal to visual and auditory learners,For those that learn best by reading, teachers can capture and save on-screen notes and distribute the file for independent review,Additionally, classroom technology can be a great equalizer for students with special needs.

Interactive displays integrate easily with assistive tech like captions, text highlighters and text-to-speech software. Students who have difficulty holding a pen can write on the display with their fingers or a tennis ball. Early learners can track letters and shapes. Advanced learners can collaborate with classmates to conduct more complex courses on the screen.While students with mobility challenges may not be able to participate at a wall-mounted display as it may be difficult to reach because of the height. Look for height adjustment and multiple tilt angles, and even the ability to go fully horizontal. More options maximize access for more students!

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