The endless possibilities of education-IQBoard
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The endless possibilities of education


IQTouch interactive flat panel is designed to take advantage of the dynamic possibilities of modern conference rooms to create a brainstorming environment where ideas flow freely. It allows extended and seamless teamwork, and inspires more innovative ideas. It is very suitable for collaboration and then turning your creativity from abstract to reality. IQTouch IFP is the beginning of endless possibilities.

How does IQTouch interactive touch screen make business meetings better?
?Faster setup time
?The perfect combination of technology and office design
?Technology prepares the meeting room
?Everyone in the room can see the screen
?Everyone is more engaged
?Easier to present and share
?High security
?Enhance privacy
?More effectively push the company to achieve its goals
?Cultivate creativity and learning ability
?Integrate complementary skills, strengths and perspectives
?Build trust; encourage equal participation
?Develop a strong sense of mission
?Strengthen employee development
?Teach conflict resolution skills
?Encourage cooperation/joint efforts
?Solve problems faster and increase innovation
?Create an efficient work rhythm ("divide and conquer" principle)
?Improve job satisfaction and employee retention

For Government Program
?IQTOUCH reduces business costs
?IQTOUCH improves business efficiency
?IQTOUCH enhances customer service
?Easy to communicate-the display can be changed at any time, and information different from static signs can be updated
? Improve internal communication by providing information to everyone
?Transparency-all visitors, patients and staff can communicate once
?Communicate with the public by providing relevant information
?Wayfinding and emergency information
?Timely information
?Assistance and notification
?A consistent message
?Improve internal communication


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