The technology of interactivity on IQTouch interactive flat panel-IQBoard
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The technology of interactivity on IQTouch interactive flat panel


Returnstar Interactive Technology Group, one of the global leaders in interactive technology, announced that its latest lineup of solutions and services with new series interactive flat panel.

The latest infrared technology is exclusive to IQTouch interactive flat panel. The foundation of this new technology is its intuitiveness, just pick up a pen or an object to interact with the interactive flat panel. The interactive display automatically recognizes physical objects and generates digital interactions. For Bett, IQTouch interactive flat panel is a global partner and visitors will have additional opportunities to engage with the technology, get hands-on practice and professional development through sessions. Attendees will have the opportunity to attend IQTouch’s Seminar Spotlight “Time Saving Tech Hacks for Teachers” as well as schedule individual leadership meetings and how to improve learning outcomes. IQTouch interactive flat panel comes with professional software for education and conference uses, which is a competitive advantages then other suppliers in the market, so that it will provide excellent customized services and solution.

Returnstar specializes in interactive flat panel, it provides interactive solutions to help every student and teacher have more collaborative environment. IQTouch has a variety of interconnected monitors, software and accessories used in more than 3 million classrooms, which can help students and teachers around the world promote learning and teaching. IQTouch implementation services, professional learning and technical support resources help educators learn to use IQTouch interactive flat panel solutions, level up the technology of devices in the classrooms and improve students’ learning.


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