Top 5 Factors of Choosing Interactive Flat Panels in 2024-IQBoard
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Top 5 Factors of Choosing Interactive Flat Panels in 2024

Top 5 Factors of Choosing Interactive Flat Panels in 2024


As we approach the end of 2023, it's time to prepare for next year's procurement plans. Whether in educational settings, boardrooms, or various other scenarios, the increasing demand for interactive flat panels (IFPs) stems from their distinctive features. In this guide, I aim to share the top 6 factors to consider when choosing IFPs like IQTouch, ensuring you select the ideal product for prolonged and effective use.

1. Technical specifications

When we focus on the parameters of interactive flat panels, it's crucial to choose the latest and optimal configurations, much like selecting the best smartphone to experience cutting-edge technology. Being trendsetters in this era not only brings about a sense of modernity but also ensures a more comfortable product experience.

1.1 Mainboard

For interactive flat panels products, our initial attention goes to the motherboard (a little secret: the most experienced interactive flat panel enthusiasts prioritize this aspect, as it truly reflects the interactive flat panels's performance prowess). The key priorities in the motherboard's parameter section are core count (8 cores being superior to 4 cores), understanding the composition of big and small cores, and checking the Android version. Currently, the mainstream Android versions for interactive flat panels are Android 11 and Android 12. It's anticipated that Android 13 will see widespread adoption in the market starting in 2023. Following this, considerations include clock frequency, Max RAM value, and interface specifications, forming a comprehensive approach to making informed decisions on interactive flat panels mainboard.

In addition to the mainboard section, several crucial aspects demand attention when considering interactive flat panels:

1.2 Display Quality

The factors influencing display quality among 4K interactive flat panels can vary. One significant parameter to focus on is the bonding technology. There are currently three types of bonding technology: air bonding, zero bonding, and optical bonding. Among these, optical bonding stands out as the optimal choice. This technique involves applying a special adhesive between the LCD panel and glass, eliminating any air gaps. LCD products equipped with optical bonding exhibit superior display effects compared to air bonding (air gap larger than 3mm) and zero bonding (air gap between 0-3mm). This includes enhanced color reproduction, broader viewing angles, and resistance to dust or glare in the air gap.

1.3 Writing Experience

As interactive flat panels serve as touchscreen displays for presentations and annotations, a seamless writing experience is crucial. To evaluate the writing performance, one can conduct a test by drawing a continuous line from the corner to the center using whiteboard software. This helps identify any potential breakpoints or blank spaces in the writing process. Additionally, attention should be given to the maximum supported touch points. Currently, 40-point touch has gradually become the standard configuration for high-end interactive flat panels.

1.4 Cameras and Microphones

As interactive flat panels increasingly find applications in online classrooms and meeting rooms, the specifications of cameras become pivotal. The latest cameras are equipped with built-in AI functionalities, enabling automatic focus on meeting participants through voice sources or auto-framing. Some AI cameras even offer gesture recognition, allowing effortless switching of camera tracking modes through simple gestures, as depicted below:

(The picture shows the AI gesture function from IQTouch TE1200 Pro)

Microphones play a crucial role in capturing audio in meeting rooms and classrooms. A higher number of microphone arrays often leads to superior audio pickup effects and extended pickup distances. Opting for models with eight or more microphone arrays is a common practice.

These advancements in camera and microphone technologies enhance the overall functionality of interactive flat panels, ensuring seamless interactions in various collaborative settings.

2. Highlight Features

Every Interactive Flat Panel (IFP) comes with distinct highlights, and some of these highlights cater to the latest requirements. For instance, they address the needs of online meetings by being compatible with various meeting software. Additionally, they enhance user experience by providing smoother writing capabilities.

When contemplating the setup of an interactive flat panel scenario, it's beneficial to align the chosen IFP's advertised highlights with our specific scene requirements. This comparison aids in making informed decisions and selecting interactive flat panels that precisely meet our needs.

Choosing an IFP with features tailored to the demands of online conferences, seamless software compatibility, and an improved writing experience can significantly elevate the overall functionality of the interactive flat panel setup. These considerations ensure that the selected IFP aligns seamlessly with the specific demands and objectives of the intended usage scenario.

3. Human-Centric Design

When evaluating the design of an interactive flat panel, attention can be directed towards several aspects.

3.1 Exterior Design

While many LCDs feature a simple design with black borders and a screen, it's essential to focus on nuanced details. Some LCD products offer interfaces that are not only richer but also easy to see. Considerations like user-friendly handles designed for mobile flat panels and areas designated for magnetic stylus pen placement can enhance the user experience. These seemingly small details can significantly impact usability and deserve close attention.

3.2 Software Design

Given that the software is the most frequently used aspect, its human-centric design is crucial. Evaluate whether the software can showcase the most commonly used functions on the homepage, supports customizable adjustments, includes shortcuts for effortlessly waking up interactive flat panels, offers quick-follow menus, and incorporates light sensitivity design. These features contribute to a more user-friendly and warm interaction with the LCD product.

3.3 App Support

In the software realm, pay attention to the support for various apps. Assess the usability of built-in whiteboard and screen-sharing applications. Since users will spend a considerable amount of time using these features, it's worthwhile to focus on and compare their usability.

These considerations ensure that both the physical and digital aspects of interactive flat panels contribute to an enhanced and user-friendly experience.

4. Price Awareness

When considering the purchase of an interactive flat panel (IFP), it's essential to prioritize the brand value of the product. This involves assessing factors such as the product's history and its international sales performance. Typically, companies with a longer survival history tend to possess core competitiveness and enduring trustworthiness, factors that contribute to increased credibility.

Additionally, factors like budget constraints and specific product expectations play a pivotal role in the decision-making process. For the K12 school market, I often recommend entry-level IFPs to facilitate widespread adoption of digital tools in educational settings. In contrast, for higher education institutions, private schools, and technical schools, opting for higher-configured IFPs is advisable. These models offer clearer visualization of teaching details, enabling a closer examination of engineering intricacies.

In the realm of conference markets, my suggestion leans towards IFPs equipped with cutting-edge, high-definition AI cameras. These advanced features contribute to an enhanced offline and online conferencing experience, particularly beneficial for meetings where superior video quality and tracking capabilities are crucial.

Considering brand longevity, budget constraints, and specific market needs enables a more informed and strategic approach to selecting the most suitable IFP, aligning with the diverse requirements of different educational and business scenarios.

5. Durability and Sustainability

Interactive flat panels (IFPs), as high-value products, demand careful consideration of their durability. When evaluating the durability of these products, it is crucial to examine usage metrics in the specifications, including the stated operational hours, and verify the warranty period for the IFPs. In the event of concerns about unforeseen circumstances, proactively confirming post-sales service details with the sales team is advisable.

Quality construction and the ability to provide immediate response times in after-sales service are also pivotal factors that warrant attention. Ensuring robust durability, as evidenced by extended usage parameters and a comprehensive warranty, contributes to the overall value proposition of IFPs. Buyers should prioritize not only the initial quality of the product but also the assurance of responsive and reliable post-purchase support.

Considerations related to product longevity, warranty coverage, and post-sales service responsiveness collectively contribute to a well-informed decision-making process when investing in interactive flat panels.


Navigating the diverse landscape of IFPs in 2024 requires a strategic consideration of various factors. By understanding these considerations, educators and businesses can make informed decisions, ensuring they invest in IFPs that align with the evolving needs of modern learning and collaboration environments.

Stay ahead of the curve and make the right choice for your interactive flat panel needs in 2024!

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