What aspects of smart board affect us?-IQBoard
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What aspects of smart board affect us?


We know that creating new and exciting ways for teaching and learning is a challenge. Attracting students' attention is difficult, and keeping their engaged in class is harder. IQTouch interactive flat panel with smart teaching software - IQ KitsMemos V1.0 can help make learning interesting, enhance students' learning experience and work efficiency, and enable students to stimulate their potential.

IQTouch interactive flat panel and IQ KitsMemos V1.0  can be customized according to students' most effective learning, audio-visual, touch, and collaboration, thus bridging the gap between teaching knowledge, students' participation, and learning ability in the classroom.

It helps the students in the following aspects:
Test scores
Student participation
Student engagement

IQTouch provides various features with the most humanized services. Unlimited whiteboard notes screen with screenshots - have the ability to capture notes from the course and send them to students.

Easily connect and share content with IOS and Android devices via Eshare wireless presentation system feature - you can easily download the app, scan QR codes, connect to the interactive flat panel display and make real-time comments.

Other technologies (such as computers, tablets, cameras, microphones, speakers) enhance the learning experience. To complement the latest features of interactive flat panel, all IQTouch smart boards are bundled with IQ interactive education platform software, with multiple rich teaching tools to help teachers to create and present the lesson in a more effective and collaborative way.


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