Why Do Students Prefer Reviewing with Lecture Capture Systems?-IQBoard
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Why Do Students Prefer Reviewing with Lecture Capture Systems?

Why Do Students Prefer Reviewing with Lecture Capture Systems?


The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius once said a famous saying, "Reviewing the old and learning the new." Review is an essential and effective way for students to consolidate their knowledge. As an innovative classroom solution, the lecture capture system solution like this can maximize the student's learning needs. This article will explore why students love reviewing with lecture Capture Systems.

1.    The structure of the lecture capture system

A top-notch lecture capture system consists of recording equipment, stage or lecture desktop equipment, and backstage equipment and software. Take the innovative IQVideo Lecture Capture System LCS710 as an example. Its main components include one video station for record operation, two 4K ePTZ cameras with auto-tracking for clearly capturing four scenes for teachers and studentsand one ceiling microphone that adopts a 7-meter voice pickup distance.

Among them, recording equipment is used to capture the audio and image of the teacher's lecture, lectern, or lecture desktop equipment for teachers to show slides, presentation software, or other teaching materials. Background equipment and software manage and process recorded lectures, including storage, editing, transcoding, and distribution.

2.    Understanding the learning demands of students

From the students' point of view, they think lecture capture has some advantages. For example, Carall et al. found in a study of medical students that they believe the captured lectures help them learn. The medical students surveyed rated the lecture capture system as fulfilling a personal learning need, allowing them to choose their own learning approach and watch lectures at any time. By planning the time and allocating the details, students can improve their study efficiency and give more precious time to get enough sleep. In addition, the lecture capture system can double the speed of video playback, allowing them to maximize learning in a shorter period when they want to learn or drop knowledge.

3.    Discovering the benefits of a lecture capture system

The lecture capture system has many advantages that are beneficial for improving the effectiveness of student review.

3.1 Flexibility and accessibility

Although the class schedule is fixed, the students' extra-curricular time is flexible. The lecture capture system allows students to watch lectures on their own time, in a location more suited to their study, giving them a high degree of learning flexibility and accessibility.

3.2 Review and consolidate learning

Although most students may not like the way of re-reading, they must admit that to obtain higher grades and better apply theory to practice, repeated learning with reasonable frequency is the most effective way to master knowledge.

With the lecture capture system's playback feature, students can watch the lecture repeatedly at any time and review specific concepts or difficulties during the review phase. Thus, to meet the repetition of memory learning time, strengthen learning and understanding so that there is no need to be in the near examination period of pain and high-difficulty sprint review.

4.    The difficulties students may encounter without a lecture capture system

Students may have more or less learning difficulties without the lecture capture system.

4.1 Losing the rhythm of learning

First, each student's learning rhythm and needs are different. Although many bright students can absorb what the teacher teaches immediately in class, some students may need more time to understand and digest the content of the type. Both top students and students with relatively weak learning abilities want to keep up with their teachers as soon as possible. Without the lecture capture system, students could not adjust their learning schedule according to their own pace and needs, which might affect their learning outcomes and even discourage them from studying.

4.2 Lack of detailed review materials

Second, students can not watch the lecture again, which may lead to difficulty reviewing and consolidating their knowledge. Suppose students miss a class or are confused about certain concepts. In that case, they can not quickly review the teacher's explanations and presentations and miss essential learning opportunities. Although the textbook's content is as detailed as possible, it is difficult for students to understand the concrete principles and the logic behind them without clear guidance.


5.    How to select a high-quality performance lecture capture system

To choose a high-quality lecture capture system, we can consider the recording quality, operational difficulty level , and the functionality of these three main aspects. Of course, more compatibility and flexibility are required to meet higher demand, but for these three reasons, we can choose a lecture capture system that highly meets your needs.

5.1 Recording quality

The lecture capture system we chose should provide high-quality audio and video recording. The audio should be clear and legible, and the video should have good image quality and resolution. A blurry recorded lecture video can make for a challenging learning experience, such as a low-resolution image that makes it difficult for students to see the details of the teacher's writing on the blackboard or even misunderstand the basics. We can view the system's technical specifications and sample recording to assess whether the recording quality meets the requirements.

5.2 Easy to use in operation

We should choose a lecture capture system that has an intuitive interface and is easy to use. Teachers and speakers should be able to record, edit, and share easily. The system should have a simplified workflow and intuitive interface to reduce learning and use costs. For example, our innovative IQVideo Lecture Capture System LCS710 makes it easy to deploy your hybrid classroom with no configuration. Turn on the power, and the camera will automatically connect to the Video Station. Touch a button on the screen, and you can start recording video lectures immediately. In addition, the LCS710 supports planning tasks for device power on/off, speech recording, and live streaming. We've covered the role of LCS710 in blended learning mode in previous articles, and you can feel the power of the IQVIDEO Lecture Capture System LCS710 here.

5.3 Versatility

In addition to the quality of the recording and the ease of use, we need to consider whether the lecture capture system provides enough functionality. Lecturing capture systems with more features is not the best choice since some vendors offer unnecessary redundancy.

However, the functionality provided is too small to meet the needs of a diverse set of scenarios. In addition to the basic recording and playback functions, additional features such as live streaming supportive, compatible with other devices for the hybrid learning can also enhance the interactive learning experience of lectures. This ensures that the functionality provided by the system meets the specific needs of teaching or speaking.

Final thoughts

Our introduction to this article shows why students love reviewing knowledge through the lecture capture system. Suppose you want to evaluate the impact of the lecture capture system on student learning outcomes. In that case, you can also regularly collect feedback from students on their experience and satisfaction with the lecture capture system, analyze data indicators such as test scores, course completion rates, and student participation, and collect teachers' views on the effectiveness of the lecture capture system. Suppose you are interested in our IQVideo Lecture Capture System LCS710. In that case, you can also click here to learn more about teaching improvement and learning improvement solutions.


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