Why choose an IQ interactive touch screen for your classroom?-IQBoard
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Why choose an IQ interactive touch screen for your classroom?


IQ interactive touch screen with their onboard computer systems allow you to use technology at the touch of your fingertips. It is a giant tablet on steroids! It has all the functionality of your smart phone and tablet, only much bigger. You can mount it on a wall or use it on a mobile stand. Turn on your Wi-Fi, and you are ready to go. It has a built-in Android system with interactive whiteboard software so you can collaborate in any setting and share your ideas seamlessly.


It Is a Powerful Teaching and Learning Tool

The IQTouch Interactive touch screen enables you to do what you do best - educate students. Teachers are challenged each year with new students, new state testing requirements, and often the lack of effective teaching tools. The days of students staring off at the old chalk board are long gone, and projectors, though once practical years ago, will soon have their own spot in the Computer and Business section.


It Gives A Highly Visual and Interactive Experience

Each student has a mix of learning styles: logical, verbal, physical, aural, and visual. While there is no right mixture of technique, learning tools loved by most are smart devices (tablets and phones). The quick ability to scan what they like, text their friends, play game apps and view movies at the touch of a button excites them. Bringing an interactive display in the classroom keeps their attention no matter what their learning style because it relates to how they communicate with their peers: it functions as a giant tablet.


It Is Reliable Display for Labs, Classrooms, Colleges and Universities

Many students as young as 7 years old already own their own smart device or tablet. Schools recognize the need to stay current with the latest electronic tools to inspire learning, productivity and creativity in their students. Let us help you get your classroom collaborative with IQTouch Interactive Displays. This gives any student the ability to share their work. Miss a day of lecture? Use the recording device on IQTouch and email the lecture instantly. Using the whiteboard software, a lesson or homework assignment can be shared among devices to all students. Streaming video, viewing documents, recording lectures all becomes collaborative, efficient, and makes learning fun.


It Enhances the Power of Collaborative Learning

Educational technology is an inherent part of the collaborative learning process in today’s ever changing world. The goal is to empower educators with the most effective classroom technology that motivates learning and improves student achievement. So, with IQTouch interactive touch screen, teachers are able to improve their teaching atmosphere with students in class and enhances student’s learning activeness.

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