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Here is Why Co-teaching is Valuable But Hard to Get

Here is Why Co-teaching is Valuable But Hard to Get


Co-teaching is a part of teaching where more than one teacher collaborates to teach a group of students in a classroom, using a smart board for the school, a flat panel display, or a digital board for education like an IQ room.


Co-teaching, where two or more teachers collaborate to deliver instruction to a group of students, can be a valuable approach to education because it allows for a more diverse range of teaching styles and expertise, and can also provide more individualized attention to students.


However, co-teaching can also be challenging to implement, as it requires careful planning and coordination between teachers and a willingness to adapt to different teaching styles and approaches.


One challenge of co-teaching is finding the right balance between the roles and responsibilities of the co-teachers. It's important for both teachers to feel like they are contributing equally to the instruction and that their strengths are being utilized effectively. This can be difficult to achieve, especially if the co-teachers have different teaching styles or approaches.


Another challenge is finding the time and resources to plan and coordinate the co-teaching experience. This can be especially difficult in schools where teachers are already stretched thin and may not have the time or support to collaborate with another teacher.


One way that technology, such as an IQTouch interactive display, can help with co-teaching is by providing a shared platform for planning and delivering instruction. The display can be used to display and collaborate on lesson plans, as well as to present and demonstrate concepts to students. This can help to streamline the co-teaching process and make it easier for the teachers to work together effectively.


 IQTouch interactive touch screen will be your ideal option that multiple functions can be applied on education. It is an integrated product of computer, TV, speaker, whiteboard and projector, which provides powerful digital technology support for co-teaching and brings great convenience to the class.


In such a setting, the instructor will have less stress from completing all the work alone by having a second teacher in the classroom, and the children will receive the additional attention they require. In addition, this will help the students and the educators maintain healthy and proper communication between the students and teachers.


But at the same time, where this kind of collaborative teaching is helpful, there are also various problems with co-teaching, including needing more time to prepare, teachers who need to be more knowledgeable about it, and the wrong set of teachers working together. 


These minor difficulties may be resolved by setting up weekly co-teaching meetings, but pairing a general educator with a particular education specialist would be the most helpful solution. In secondary education, it will be beneficial to include a special educator alongside the ordinary instructor and provide them access to the same prep hour.


Difficulties faced by teachers:

One of the many reasons teachers quit their jobs is that they get too overloaded to plan for the following class or to prepare an additional activity for the course. But one straightforward repair, co-teaching, may eliminate all the overwhelmed and exhausted symptoms. Some teachers find joy in teaching alongside a coworker, while others find it extremely unsettling. This should be simple learning for students. In any circumstance, all teachers should be able to collaborate or, to put it another way, co-teach. There has been numerous research on co-teaching, and many know its advantages and disadvantages. Co-teaching should be seen positively rather than negatively.


Best way to co-teach:

There are numerous methods for carrying out co-teaching. A special education teacher and an administrator, for instance, or two general education teachers, one general education teacher, could be involved. One method that has proven successful in many circumstances is pairing an available education teacher with special education. With this co-op, the two parties have distinct tasks, and as they collaborate more and more over the years, they will develop a bond and be able to create an efficient co-teaching schedule for the classroom. The general education teacher can instruct in a way that is comfortable for them with the support of a special education teacher, who can simplify lessons or help students with disabilities learn in a way that benefits them.


This enables both educators to complement one another and create a unified teaching style that serves the general student body and children in special education.


Advantages of co-teaching:

· One person/teacher doesn't feel overwhelmed or overloaded by the amount of work

· It is less complicated

· Students feel seen and heard

· Communication between an educator and student becomes aided and easier

· Multiple tasks can be carried out at the same time

· All students can have their queries answered in a short amount of time


Disadvantages of co-teaching:

1. Co-teaching has produced many beautiful results, but there have also been some less-than-ideal circumstances. If two professors with very different teaching philosophies carry out a classroom, there will be apparent differences in the school. Such a classroom will be divided throughout the academic year, with one-half of the class is taught using one type of instruction and the other using a different approach. So sometimes, co-teaching is inappropriate for two teachers with the same degree but distinct teaching philosophies. To be effective in a classroom, both teachers must strike a balance, and for the teachers to mesh, their teaching styles must be similar or the same.


2. Another area for improvement with co-teaching is that teachers have little time to collaborate because there is so much more planning and preparation needed for the next day's session. It can be challenging for instructors to find time during or after school to coordinate what to accomplish for the next day or week of the school year, particularly with teachers interested in other after-school activities like coaching or tutoring. Due to this, teachers spend a significant portion of their free time preparing for class with a colleague. Teachers could become exhausted or overwhelmed after a year because of the long hours and the little pay they receive.


3. Many teachers want to avoid co-teaching since it needs more hours from them and more preparation. It also necessitates additional classes to train teachers for this new method of instruction. Because of all the other types, time commitments, and preparation requirements, many teachers are discouraged from being placed in co-teaching situations. Instead, they prefer to stick with what they are familiar with and prepare their classes according to their preferences rather than attempting to blend two different teaching philosophies.


Although there are some drawbacks to co-teaching, there are far more advantages. Co-teaching allows teachers to collaborate with a colleague and distributes the workload so that no one person is under too much stress. Students receive extra attention as a result. Currently, teachers are reluctant to collaborate, but with time and increased awareness of co-teaching throughout school districts, teachers will learn that this kind of instruction benefits all students. Tremendous progress can be made because every single student can receive the attention required to succeed in school when a special education teacher and a general education teacher are combined. In addition, students will feel more assured when taking any form of the test. 


Because of the numerous new co-teaching strategies that may be created and the potential for more effective teaching methods, co-teaching could become a lifelong learning experience for teachers and students.

So co-teaching is very valuable, but right now, a lot of work needs to be put into this to make it work efficiently. 

Overall, while co-teaching can be a valuable approach to education, it does require careful planning and coordination to be successful. Technology, such as an IQTouch interactive display, can help to make the co-teaching process more efficient and effective, but it is important for the co-teachers to be willing to adapt and work together to achieve the best results for their students.

Why Some Districts are Ending Virtual Options and How Can Help

Why Some Districts are Ending Virtual Options and How Can Help


Recently remote learning or, to be more clear virtual learning options have vastly been in use for learning. Distant learning is a kind of teaching where technology and the latest equipment like IQ podium, IQ touch, touch screen display, intelligent pens and whiteboard classrooms are used to deliver knowledge, lectures, and teachings about different topics.

These virtual options have been a thing, especially two years after the covid-19 pandemic, as it was nearly impossible to carry in-person classes and lectures. However, the rapid spread of covid 19 called for these extreme measures in all aspects of life, whether office-related jobs, businesses, schools, or universities. As a result, everything was shifted to virtual modalities to control the spread of covid 19.

Since then, remote learning has taken the place of in-person classroom teaching. It was an efficient way of teaching for many schools up until recently, where different studies showed lacking this hybrid learning system. As a result, many schools and districts have been seen shifting from hybrid learning to in-person classroom teachings due to the falling efficiency of remote learning. 


IQ&Q-NEX have launched Lecture Capture Classroom solution for hybrid learning, which creates the virtual class with both online and offline teaching mode.


Classroom teaching vs hybrid learning:

While hybrid and remote learning has made it extremely easy to carry out studying sessions at the easy availability of both the educators and students, it has shortcomings compared to classroom learning, where an educator is directly in contact with and communicates with the student.

Where hybrid teaching facilitates educators and students to learn in a more modernized way, it also takes away the efficiency and effectiveness of proper education and learning.

While there are benefits of remote learning, it also has a lot of disadvantages.

Disadvantages of hybrid learning:

Social interaction is lacking in remote education:

The fact that remote learning is just that—remote—makes it harder to engage with your pupils in face-to-face interactions fully. This lack of social engagement can be depressing for both students and teachers. It can also prevent pupils from developing social-emotional learning, leadership, interpersonal skills, public speaking, and other talents. In this regard, maintaining student accountability can be challenging in remote learning forms.

Technology can be confusing and unstable:

We've all had those excruciatingly frustrating times when technology doesn't function when it needs to. The lost WiFi connection. The computer was frozen. The unplugged printer. When you are a teacher in charge of hundreds of pupils, navigating technology issues and disturbances affecting remote learning can be incredibly unpleasant.

Distractions may result from online learning:

As remote learning takes place on computers, it can be simple to get sidetracked or distracted by your favourite websites, online shopping, news notifications, or emails. Due to this, remote learning may occasionally be challenging to maintain, and student work may suffer. This never-ending distraction is undoubtedly one of the more challenging aspects of distance learning.

The specific classroom moments that make teaching such a lovely and rewarding vocation are not possible with remote learning:

A typical school year contains occasions that remind teachers of their original motivation for entering the field. The expression on a student's face as they successfully understand an idea. A pun that makes the entire class chuckle. A collective sigh of relief is heard when the teacher postpones a quiz or test. These are when education is elevated to a truly profound and satisfying profession. Unfortunately, and regrettably, these occasions are scarce in the world of online education.

Lack of essential connection between an educator and a student:

When you work in a classroom, an inexplainable relationship develops between the teacher and the class. The online location needs to have this connection due to the absence of proper communication, which can make it hard for both parties to learn effectively.

Insufficient peer contact:

Another drawback of distant learning is that young children need to interact with other children their age. They could experience loneliness while spending the day in front of a screen and not having access to their classmates' physical area. Not being able to interact with their class fellows can make it harder for them to develop socially.

Hard for parents to keep up:

It necessitates the parents keep a close eye on them. Students who are not physically present in class may find it more challenging to maintain their motivation and complete their homework. To prevent their children from falling behind in their education, parents need to set aside time and become actively involved.

All the above-discussed reasons make online, hybrid or remote learning extremely inefficient and unhealthy for growing students as it takes away a lot of opportunities for growth and development. And this is why the latest studies and research have labelled hybrid and touch screen learning as an ineffective mode of delivery.

Keeping in mind all of these shortcomings of touch screen and whiteboard learning, schools of many districts and areas are more ardent to continue the classroom format of studying to ensure better and practical education for their students and an easy and comfortable environment for their educators.

The classroom setting facilitates the teachers way more than hybrid learning. The classroom hours ensure the complete attention of its students and educators.

Advantages of classroom learning:

· You can ask inquiries (assuming the instructor welcomes questions).

· You can talk about problems with other students.

· There are several opportunities for social support and connection.

· You can use the student facilities on campus

· Different extracurricular activities can be carried out for growth 

· Various events can be planned to develop soft skills in students

So a classroom setting ensures safe and proper learning and establishes an environment that promotes understanding and knowledge. And this is why the modern online ways of teaching are being pushed back by old traditional methods of teaching.

If your district is ending virtual options and transitioning back to in-person learning, can be a valuable resource. allows teachers to easily create and share interactive lessons and activities with their students. It's a great way to engage students and make learning more interactive and dynamic, whether in the classroom or remotely.

With, teachers can create interactive presentations, quizzes, and games, and share them with their students via a web browser or the app. Students can participate in real-time, making it a great tool for remote learning or in-person instruction.

Overall, while the decision to end virtual options may be driven by a variety of factors, can be a valuable resource for teachers as they transition back to in-person learning. It's a great way to engage students and make learning more interactive and dynamic, no matter the setting.

Cultural Responsive Teaching for Efficient Learning

Cultural Responsive Teaching for Efficient Learning


If we break that term down to understand it better, we'll be able to appreciate the diversity that this term carries. This kind of teaching is based on cultural education and understanding the country's diverse population. Public schools are a world of difference, and so educators and students need to be able to relate to having a better learning opportunity.

When we talk about diversity, people automatically think of RACE. So, yes, the race is a part of what we will be talking about in this article, but we do know all the children, students and pupils we come across come with a whole set of differences. And as we talk about differences, it is precious to understand how culturally responsive teaching works. Strong knowledge of cultural diversity is crucial for educators to connect with their students.


Cultural responsive teaching is a method that helps you learn or understand the culture in your surrounding.  And IQTouch is an Interactive Display screen which can help you better understand the topic or material.

Culturally responsive teaching (CRT) aims to recognize each student's distinct personal and social background. It also entails adapting educational strategies to each student's needs, interests, cultural experience, and prior knowledge.

Compared to other antiquated teaching methods and approaches, culturally responsive teaching is a comparatively modern concept. When diverse kids from various cultures, races, and ethnicities enrol in public schools, it is frequently used to include them in curriculum creation and classroom activities.

The idea of "culturally responsive teaching" entails analyzing a student's prejudices in their background to be aware of their potential learning barriers. Then, they are given strategies to increase their cultural awareness, which makes them better learners. According to several recent studies, culturally sensitive instruction boosts diverse pupils' academic achievement.

Why is culturally responsive teaching important?

It is essential to understand

· Limitations of a student because of their cultural background towards certain things

· To allow students from different backgrounds to have equal access to opportunities

· To ensure adequate and coequal exposure to technology

· To understand the demands and needs of a student to aid them effectively.

· To promote a connection and a meaningful relationship between students and their teachers.

It is necessary for students to have a sense that a specific teacher or the classroom environment believes in them, sees them, and respects them; this is a doorway that a culturally responsive teacher can create. Therefore, it is of prime importance for a teacher to build a relationship to connect with the child and his background and to make them feel safe and like a unit.

Cultural competence:

The cultural competence of an adult is intimately connected to achievement. And for that, it is necessary to develop teachers' strategies to engage students in a structure. A classroom should be physically and culturally inviting to create an impression of class in a way that expresses all cultures.

The Importance of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy:

In many classrooms around the nation, children from various ethnicities, cultures, beliefs, and attitudes could feel invisible to their teacher or peers. So now, the focus is on identifying, including, and praising kids who might feel excluded from the classroom using a culturally sensitive method of instruction.

Benefits of CRT:

· Flourished learning

· Creates opportunities for success and development

· More exposure to the diversity

· Better engagement and social connections

· A better understanding of different cultures

· Cultural responsive teaching liberates students to

· Find and use their voice

· Engage in thinking

· Become active participants

· Examine issues through a multicultural perspective


The IQTouch interactive display screen is a powerful educational tool that allows teachers to engage their students in cultural responsive teaching. This approach to teaching recognizes and values the unique cultural backgrounds and experiences of each student, and seeks to create a learning environment that is inclusive and respectful of diversity.

One of the key benefits of the IQTouch interactive display screen is its ability to facilitate efficient learning. By presenting information in a dynamic and interactive way, the screen helps to keep students engaged and motivated to learn. This can be especially important for students who may be struggling with traditional methods of teaching, as the interactive nature of the screen can help to hold their attention and keep them on track.

· In addition to its ability to promote efficient learning, the IQTouch interactive display screen also allows teachers to challenge their students in a variety of ways. For example, they can use the screen to present complex concepts and ideas in a way that is easy for students to understand, or to facilitate collaborative learning activities that encourage students to work together and share their ideas.

It creates a community of successful learners. No magic wand is required to improve cognitive growth, foster social relationships, and increase engagement and retention. Instead, think about encouraging a community of learners in your classroom to work together, value, and celebrate the diversity of cultures.

The goal of culturally responsive teaching (CRT) is to build rapport and understanding while acknowledging the obstacles that low-income and minority students frequently face.

With CRT, educators can create lessons tailored to their pupils' cultural backgrounds while strengthening the bonds between them and their teachers.

As a result, educators can establish a connection with the parents of their kids through which they can celebrate their achievements and offer assistance when required.

How can you implement culturally responsive teaching?

You can use different strategies for this purpose:

· By trying different learning styles

· Learning and teaching all cultural or provincial languages along with the national language

· Allow students to represent their cultures through various tasks

· Incorporate cultural content into the curriculum

· Create a judgment-free classroom

· Start other activities that involve cultural exposure

How to be a culturally responsive teacher?

As a teacher, you must take culture into account. There are several learning styles and cultural backgrounds. As a result, you will need to modify your tactics to fit a variety of cultural contexts.

More than simply following your plan won't cut it. Students are more likely to achieve excellent academic performance in classrooms and with teachers sensitive to their cultural backgrounds. A culturally sensitive teacher is one who:

· Is informed on their pupils' cultural context and how it affects them.

· I will try to eliminate prejudices, preconceptions, and unquestioning beliefs about kids based on their colour, ethnicity, or any other factor for that matter.

· will have awkward discussions on race and ethnicity

· Is an expert at solving problems when it comes to difficulties relating to cultures outside of the classroom.

The level of cultural responsiveness a teacher or educator demonstrates toward the cultural norms, beliefs, and practices of pupils are referred to as cultural responsiveness. Teachers must be authentic with students to establish a relationship based on mutual respect and trust. Additionally, culturally sensitive teaching shows respect and admiration for the objectives of the pupils. Teachers can increase the relevance of their lectures for their pupils by focusing on all relevant components of diversity, including culture, gender, race, ethnicity, and other relevant factors, to create a healthy, culturally accepted teaching style.

Overall, the IQTouch interactive display screen is a valuable resource for teachers who are looking to create a more engaging and effective learning environment for their students. By using this technology to promote cultural responsive teaching, teachers can help their students to achieve success both in and out of the classroom.

 Click on IQBoard to learn more about the smart classroom solution for fun learning.

Teacher Tech Roundup: 10 EdTech Tools For Teachers

Teacher Tech Roundup: 10 EdTech Tools For Teachers



For teachers and students alike, technology can open up new doors of learning and discovery. Technology can also be a tool for collaboration, communication and critical thinking. In this roundup of 10 edtech tools for teachers we'll explore how these tools can bring new opportunities to your classroom or school:

Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are a tool that helps teachers manage all the content, activities, and assignments for their students.

With an LMS, you can store all your lessons in one central location and use it to organize lessons for your students. You can also use it to store all of your resources so that they're easily accessible at any time.

Online Resource Banks

  • Online Resource Banks

These are a great place for teachers to share resources and gather new ones. In addition to being a virtual “toolkit” for your classroom, they often offer lesson plans, quizzes and worksheets, as well as links to other helpful sites. You can also use them as an extension of what you’re already doing with your own materials. For example: if you decide that you want to teach the Civil War this year but don't know where to start, an online resource bank might have some ideas or help guide your instruction!

Screencasting Apps.

Screencasting apps are used to record screen activity and create tutorials, presentations and demonstrations. Screencasting apps can also be used to create videos of your computer activity, for example when troubleshooting a problem with a student.

Online Video Platforms and Interactive Learning Content.

Online Video Platforms and Interactive Learning Content

Video is a great way to make your classroom more interactive. You can use it for:

  • Teaching a subject, or as a tool to help students with their learning. For example you could show a video of how to solve an equation or how to play the guitar.
  • Teaching new skills or procedures, such as showing someone how to make a cake from scratch, or how to make pasta at home.
  • Helping students understand concepts that they are finding difficult by using short videos which include examples and explanations on how things work in real life situations

Mobile Communication Tools.

  • Mobile Communication Tools: Teachers are using apps to communicate with students, both online and offline. Students can use these same tools to communicate with their teachers and classmates, as well as connect with resources like Google Drive or Dropbox where you can share documents and files.
  • Chatting Apps: You'll find a variety of apps that allow you to chat one-on-one or in group chats with your peers, including Skype, WhatsApp (available on most smartphones), GroupMe (iOS only), Discord (available on most platforms) and more!
  • VoIP Apps: These apps allow you to make free calls over WiFi or data networks—but if you have an unlimited texting plan through your phone carrier, this may be unnecessary since all major carriers now offer unlimited plan options as well as international calling plans that cost less than $30/month. However if you don't want them clogging up your texts space then try one of these apps instead! Here are some popular ones: Viber Messenger ($1-2 per month after trial period ends; iOS & Android) Hangouts - Chat for Android Devices ($0-$4 per month depending on usage)

Educational Games & Activities.

Another great way to engage students is through games, which can be a fun way to teach new concepts and skills. Here are some of the most popular educational games:

  • Kahoot! is an online game that lets you create and share quizzes with your class. It's easy to use and has lots of templates to choose from, so you don't have to create your own questions from scratch. You can also add images or videos as well as music into the quiz if desired (which makes it even more fun!). This site allows you to modify your settings so that teacher accounts will have full control over what gets added while student accounts only get minimal access—a useful feature if you're worried about cheating!
  • Quizizz is another interactive tool that allows teachers and students alike (from kindergarten through high school) collaborate on group projects by answering questions in short bursts of time while they work through them together in real-time via their smartphones or tablets. The app also lets users track their progress over time so they know how much they've learned since last using this resource; this feature makes it easy for educators who want feedback from parents too! In addition, there are options available for teachers who want customized experiences based on individual needs such as those struggling with literacy issues; these specialized versions come preloaded with content tailored specifically toward each child's academic needs instead of just generic ones which means learning will continue even after classes end."

Collaboration Tools.

Collaboration Tools. These tools are great for group projects, especially because they allow you to share files with other teachers, students and parents. These tools can also be used to create a wide range of documents, from calendars to syllabi.

Google Docs ( is an online word processor that allows multiple people to work on the same document at once in real time. It also automatically saves versions of each document so that you can see how it's changed over time and revert back if necessary.

Google Slides ( is an online presentation tool that lets users collaboratively build slideshows together using themes, templates and animations available on Google Drive's gallery page for presentations or by uploading their own images and templates into Slides' custom theme editor toolbox section within your account dashboard page settings area where click-through previews appear next some sort arrows pointing up/down depending whether they're locked/unlocked etc., which can be dragged around just like any normal web page containing embedded images would have done before HTML5 came along; this makes viewing images easier than ever before since there's no need anymore having access internet connection all week long just so one could view something correctly!

Presentation Software.

For teachers who want to create presentations and share them with students, presentation software is the way to go. Some of the most popular options include Prezi, Keynote, and Microsoft PowerPoint. If you have a Mac computer, then Keynote is already installed on your machine; otherwise you can download it from Apple's App Store for free. The other two are available as cloud-based applications but will cost you around $50 per year to use on any device.

Microsoft Powerpoint allows users to create multimedia presentations with text, images and videos (which can be uploaded from YouTube or other sources). It also allows users to record voiceovers for their slideshows so that they are able to narrate their lessons in real-time rather than just reading out loud from the screen like in previous versions of this program!

Web Conferencing Platforms.

Web conferencing platforms are used to connect multiple users in real-time. They can be used for online meetings, training, and education. Web conferencing platforms allow for video conferencing, screen sharing, and audio conferencing.

Some examples of web conferencing platforms include Zoom and Google Hangouts (both of which are available for free).

Interactive Display Solutions.

IQTouch is a portable interactive touch screen that can be used as a teaching tool, or to display information.

It is a great way to engage students in the classroom and to make learning more fun.

IQTouch Interactive displays are visual presentation tools used to merge information and communication. They are usually flat displays that have embedded technology that allows users to engage in interactive touchscreen interactions.

Use these 10 tools to make your classroom more interactive and engaging for students

These tools will help you be more creative, make it easier to create content, and engage students in the classroom.

Here are some of our favorites:

  • Google Forms - Create interactive forms to collect data from students and parents. Make them as simple or complex as needed. You can even save them for later so that you don't have to keep starting over when you want new information from your class or school community.
  • Canva - This tool makes it easy for anyone with a computer and an internet connection (that's everyone) to create professional looking graphics that can be used in all kinds of ways: posters for events like open houses; flyers advertising clubs; presentations showing data collected during research projects; newsletters going home with students at the end of each week; etc., etc., etc...

The possibilities are endless!


We hope this list of teacher tech tools has inspired you. With so many great options to choose from, the hardest part is deciding which one(s) will work best for your classroom. Once you’ve made that decision, there’s no telling what kind of magic you can create!


What Will It Take for Schools to Get Better?



Teachers and administrators in schools across America are doing the best they can with limited resources. But we're not giving them enough support to do their jobs effectively, and our students are paying the price. Here's what needs to change:

Provide access to technology

Technology should be available to all students, and it should be used in the classroom. It is important that technology not just be used for entertainment but also for learning purposes, such as interactive lessons, simulations and virtual environments.

Improving education outcomes is another way technology can improve student achievement in schools. The use of interactive whiteboards has been shown to increase student engagement levels during lessons by an average of 30%, while improving learning outcomes by an average of 3%. This type of technology requires teachers who understand how best to use it effectively—something which may require additional training or support.

Use technology that works

"Technology that works" is not the same thing as "technology that's free" or "technology that's easy to use." It's also not the same thing as "cheap." And it's certainly not the same thing as new.

Many teachers and school leaders are accustomed to using technology that either isn't very effective or doesn't support their teaching methods well, so they think all technology is bad by default. Others don't want to spend money on something they may only use once in a while so they stick with what they know will work—and never try anything else. These two groups need to quit thinking like this if there's going to be any progress toward better schools!

IQ educational solutions enable more interactive learning experiences, more meaningful feedback and improved outcomes for students. We help teachers and students leverage devices and platforms to enhance learning, so that students can have the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in college and career.

Focus on the mission of education

The mission of education is teaching students how to learn, not what they should learn. The focus should be on the students, not the teachers. The focus should be on their ability to think critically and solve problems, not their test scores.

The purpose of school is not to create loyal employees for big business; it's to help people develop into good citizens who can contribute positively in society by becoming self-sufficient and contributing meaningfully with other people through teamwork or community service projects or whatever else sounds fun!

When we shift our focus from what technology can do for us toward why we need it in the first place (in order for people from diverse backgrounds with varying skillsets who may have come from different places because they were born somewhere else but live somewhere else now), then we'll start seeing real change happen within our educational institutions as well as outside them too (like online communities).

Help teachers teach

In order to help teachers teach, we need to give them the right tools and resources. This means:

Access to the right technology. Teachers should be able to use whatever technology is necessary for their subject, whether that's an overhead projector or a laptop. They should also have access to online professional development courses in order to stay up-to-date on best practices, as well as educational software that lets them customize lessons for their students' needs.

More time with students and parents who are invested in seeing them succeed (and who can offer suggestions and feedback along the way).

Recognize that 'free' is not the same thing as affordable

Free and affordable are not the same.

Sustainability and accessibility are not the same.

Relevance, usefulness and effectiveness are not the same.

Until we make clear decisions about how to do these things, we won't be able to give our kids the education they deserve.

The thing is, improving education isn't as simple as just saying you want to do it. There are many ways to improve education, and until we make clear decisions about how to do these things, we won't be able to give our kids the education they deserve.

To improve the quality of education in America, I think we need a plan for what our schools should look like and why those changes are important. In addition, I think we need a plan for how we will pay for those changes. And finally, I think that no matter what your stance on school funding is or where you live in the United States, there's one thing that everyone can agree on: Our kids deserve better than what they're getting right now!


We are at a crossroads in American education, and it's time for us to decide which way we're going. Will we continue down this path of endless testing and high-stakes accountability, even as it becomes clear that these strategies have failed miserably? Or will we make bold changes so that our kids can get the education they deserve?


A Beginners' Guide To The Interactive Display Displays



We have created this guide to help you understand the different types of interactive display panels, their features and how they work. The guide will also inform you about some of the best interactive display options available in the market.

LED Interactive Panels

LED interactive panels are the most popular in the market. They are more affordable than other types of displays and easy to install and maintain. These displays are also durable, reliable and can be used in a variety of applications.

LED displays use LED backlights to light both sides of an LCD or plasma panel, which allows them to achieve higher brightness levels than conventional LCDs or plasma panels. This makes them ideal for outdoor applications where sunlight may interfere with their ability to display text or images clearly.

LCD Projectors

LCD projectors. The most affordable option, LCD projectors offer good picture quality and are portable. But they also have a short life span and are not suitable for outdoor use.

Interactive Smart Boards

Interactive Smart Boards are a great tool for teachers to use in the classroom. They can be used as a way of engaging students and teaching them about technology. Teachers can use it for a variety of purposes, such as for classroom presentations, visual aids and interactive activities.

Mobile Interactivity Devices

Mobile Interactivity Devices

One of the most exciting developments in interactivity is the use of mobile devices that are equipped with Bluetooth and other wireless technologies. These devices have the ability to allow a person to interact with content without having to physically touch it, which is an extremely useful feature when you're looking at some sort of document or poster-style information. You can use this technology in classrooms, boardrooms, workshops and even as a way of allowing visitors access to your website or app while they're waiting for an appointment! There are a number of different types of mobile devices that can be used for this purpose. The two most common are:

- Smartphones and tablets

- Interactive whiteboards


Interactive Flat Panel

The Interactive Flat Panel display is the most common type of interactive display. It has a very broad range of applications and industries, and it's available in a variety of sizes and resolutions. The Interactive Flat Panel display is a flat panel display that's been adapted with some type of interactivity. This can include anything from touch-sensitive buttons to multi-touch functionality, and it can be used in a variety of different ways depending on the application. The Interactive Flat Panel display is a flat panel display that's been adapted with some type of interactivity.


IQTouch, a leading interactive panel display manufacturing company recommend some of the best interactive display options in the market.

IQ is an interactive display solution provider based on smart boards in both education and business, providing IQTouch Interactive Touch Screen Solution, IQBoard Interactive Whiteboard Solution, IQMeet Conference Camera Solution, IQShare Wireless Presentation System Solution, and Smart Accessories. On interactive display solutions, we offer all-in-one displays that features 4K UHD resolution, optical bonding, infrared 20 points touch, smart whiteboard, video conferencing, BYOD, dual systems and many accessories to help business improve meeting efficiency and foster collaboration. We are also dedicated to build a smart conference room to deliver installation flexibility, powerful efficiency and low maintenance cost. Our team aims at providing our customers with the best solutions in terms of performance, reliability and ease of use.

The IQTouch Interactive Display Displays is featured BYOD and BYOM wireless screen shaing WP40 for ideas discussion and meeting collaboration as it seamlessly integrates into your daily working routine. It combines with IQ Meet 4K PTZ camera with optical and digital zoom, IQ Speakerphone 360° omni-directional microphone to realize video meeting for those who work from home. It's easy to set up hybrid learning and working environment.


We are confident that this guide has helped you understand the various kinds of interactive displays available in the market. Interactive display technology is constantly evolving, so keep checking our website for more updates! There are a lot of factors to consider when you’re looking for an interactive display. It’s important that you know what your business needs from an interactive display are and how they fit into your overall IT strategy. We hope this guide has helped you understand the different types of displays available in the market and how they can help improve productivity, engagement, collaboration and communication in your organization.


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