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Lucky Draw Details for IQBoard 15th Anniversary Celebration


October 16th, it’s IQBoard 15th anniversary celebration. We prepared Lucky Draw for this celebration. And we will draw a raffle during our live broadcast on this day. This article will introduce the details of this lucky draw.

Participation way:

No matter you are a new customer or our regular customer, you can just visit our website: and input your name, email and interested product. Please kindly be noted that the name and email should all be correct, because that’s the way we contact you for the prize if you won the lucky draw! Then you have the right to join in our lucky draw.


Prize for the Lucky Draw

Lucky prize *5: IQSmart Pen*1pcs.


Introduction of IQSmart Pen:

With IQ SmartPen, teachers can stand in any corner of the classroom to control the courseware playing on IQTouch flat panel or Interactive Whiteboard.

It can turn pages up and down of the PPT; It can play or pause the video directly; It can take a screenshot of the current page, and so on.

So it draws the distance close between teachers and students, and greatly enhances the interactive atmosphere between them.


Special Prize *1: IQShare Wireless Presentation System*1pcs.




Introduction of IQShare Wireless Presentation System

No waiting to join in to share and display the laptop screen to display screen or projector instantly. And it also supports to cast the screen of Android phone or iPhone and tablet to the display screen. IQShare is a quickest and efficient way for wireless presentation.

 It supports everyone to share ideas and cast the laptop screen on the big screen instantly with a button click; Up to 16pcs computers can be connected at the same time with one button projection, and so on.

So, IQShare wirelss presentation system is a great way for education and business brainstorm.


For more details about this lucky draw, please kindly keep attention to our news and don’t forget to participate our 15th anniversay on 16th, October.

How IQboard Interactive Whiteboards Benefits the Classroom?


In our fast paced tech-driven world, capturing the hearts of children is a challenge. Keeping their attention is an even bigger challenge. The best teaching is an art and a science. Educators are integrating technology in the classroom with amazing results. 

IQBoard Interactive whiteboards have brought significant improvements in the education sector by simplifying the learning processes. The technology has been integrated in all levels of learning including primary school, high school and institutions of higher learning.

The technology has been integrated in all levels of learning including primary school, high school and institutions of higher learning. Though the technology has been around for more than two decades, its use has only grown exponentially over the past few years. An interactive whiteboard can be in the form of a standalone touchscreen computer or a connectable apparatus with touch pad used to control other computers from a projector. The benefits of using IQBoard interactive whiteboards in the classroom affect both the students and teachers positively.

One of the greatest benefits of using interactive whiteboards in the classroom is that it allows students to save lessons for later playback and/or review. Students can also record full lessons and share them with friends who weren't able to attend classes. Recorded lessons also provide a more convenient reference point during revision, which makes grasping important points quite easier. That will result in better understanding, quicker learning and improved performance.

With IQBoard interactive whiteboards, a teacher can easily formulate and plan for the lesson beforehand. He/she can schedule for specific learning tasks like labeling parts of a picture and matching words with their respective meanings. This is where the benefits of interactive whiteboards in the primary school come in handy. Students can understand how to handle naming tasks quite profoundly as the images are displayed right in front of them. While on the hand, teachers will have an easier time delivering on what they have on their lesson plan.

The benefits of interactive whiteboards in the classroom are so many that any learning institution can't afford to ignore. Apart from bringing convenience and flexibility in education, use of interactive whiteboards increases teacher-student engagement and boost performance in the long run. 

How Smart Are IQBoard Interactive Whiteboard for the Classroom?


IQBoard interactive whiteboards are a lot more than they appear. With uses in both business and education, these interactive whiteboards are changing the face of presentation technology. They also sport impressive computing power and have software applications that will affect anything from quiz taking to business presentations. Integrating these tools into classrooms is revolutionizing the way students learn.

As a relatively new technology, uses of interactive whiteboard in the classroom are growing rapidly and becoming an essential learning tool. Students will benefit from the improved learning experience. History lessons, among other subjects, can be enhanced with rich visuals on the screen and even demonstrate a high school biology level dissection of a frog. This means they are applicable to every grade, from kindergarten to college, these devices are revolutionizing learning experiences.


How IQBoard interactive whiteboards makes classroom smart?

IQBoard interactive whiteboards have incredible abilities in terms of machine intelligence and can connect to multiple classroom computers, keeping students engaged with material designed by teachers.

IQBoard interactive whiteboards can change the way that multiple choice quizzes are taken as students can utilize clicker remotes to answer questions displayed on the screen. Interactive whiteboards can engage with students through their individual devices and streamline material to them in real-time.


They also come with low maintenance requirements, which make them a great value for schools. Better yet, they are simple to use. Equipped with access to the internet, they make the presentation of learning material easier and more fun. This connectivity allows teachers to offer online resources that apply to their assignments.

Using interactive whiteboards in the classroom are a trendy way to go green. These devices are highly energy efficient. The most tangible green advantage is the tremendous reduction in printing paper and ink. The heavy use of ink and paper in schools generates considerable waste and represents a significant expense on their budgets.


Interactive whiteboards in classrooms are becoming a rapidly growing trend. These interactive whiteboards have been sold and installed in over 250,000 classrooms. This is changing the student learning experience around the world. 

Best Classroom Tools: IQBoard Interactive Whiteboards


Interactive whiteboards: a valuable tool that can enhance the learning experience or a retrograde step back to classrooms where students are just passive consumers of information.

 IWB is an effective learning tool. It allows teachers to unleash the full power of multimedia in their language classrooms. Previously, much digital learning material was consigned to the self-access centre, rather than being an integral part of a lesson. Now, the fact that the IWB is linked to a computer and electronic data projector means that the internet, video, animation, photographs, PowerPoint can all be used to create memorable presentations.


Those who do make the purchasing decisions are usually furthest from the chalk face. Which manufacturer should they go for? In the red corner, IQBoard, with their e-pen and comprehensive range of peripherals. In the blue corner, IQBoard, with their latest software release. IQBoard interactive whiteboard can be fixed to a hard surface, such as a normal whiteboard. It is positioned next to an image of a computer screen from the data projector, and it is this image that then becomes interactive. This device could be a boon for those seeking a low-cost way to try out IWB functionality with small groups.


IQBoard interactive whiteboard is a great choice for schools among most interactive whiteboard brands. With IQBoard interactive whiteboard, The teacher can reveal a photograph bit by bit, for instance, to generate interest in a topic. Language practice can be fun and motivating, with students coming out to the front to manipulate objects on the whiteboard and engage in awareness- raising activities. When a picture or document is displayed on the whiteboard, teachers can annotate or write on them using a stylus that provides a plethora of additional information to the lesson. This information could include anything trivia, quiz, definitions, labels, definitions, supporting images, or accompanying audio and video. Teachers can also save their sessions on the board, revisit them if need be. 

As the world of language teaching seems gripped in yet another heated debate, it is worth remembering that an IWB is, essentially, a tool. It can help create a rich learning environment, but it all depends on how you use it.

IQBoard - The perfect whiteboard alternative in the era of student-centered learning


The interactive whiteboard has been considered standard equipment in schools for some time. It was reported that 90% of surveyed Primary schools throughout the world had access to at least one Interactive Whiteboard.

Reasons for this can be found in the digital interactivity they provide. As well as feeling natural as a substitute for the chalk and blackboard combo teachers had grown accustomed to.

Interactive whiteboards did change the classroom years ago, but change was happening on the periphery. Today’s solutions offer far more connected experiences, bringing added efficiency and joined-up advantages when implemented correctly.

Once a well-connected, high-spec, visual-quality screen has been found, the next challenge stems from embedding this within the school’s day-to-day teaching and activities.

Recently, discussions around interactive whiteboards drove them to the point of contention. Some teachers felt their prices and maintenance costs were not worth the payoff. Some say it’s the inevitability of teachers being glued to the front of the classroom with their backs to their students. Others think it’s all about how you use them. 

One school said they use interactive screens throughout the school to promote their ‘five-a-day’ videos; designed to get the children up, moving and energized.

In the classroom, screens’ success depends on degrees of confidence with tech throughout teaching teams. All should share the same vision; embracing technology and making sure children are digitally competitive.

Interactive whiteboard manufacturers have tried to tackle these problems. Some have allowed multiple people to use the whiteboard at the same time.

It would seem that the only option is to provide interactive whiteboard access to every student. As examples have shown, that’s just not realistic with a single device. There are ways students can connect to interactive whiteboards with their own devices, but that requires additional preparation and adds to the complexity. Either way, students wouldn’t be able to work individually at the same time.

At Explain Everything, we’ve been working with teachers for the past eight years, gathering data and working on solutions that serve the student-centered classroom. We’ve made it our mission to solve these problems and have outlined the crucial traits of a modern interactive whiteboard.

Latest Interactive Whiteboards for Schools


Interactive whiteboard is a must for schools in an era of intelligent education. There are many interactive whiteboards of different brands are coming out subsequently. With all options available, it’s down to you to assess what features are important to your school and your staff. In other words, you must think about what is it that you value from your whiteboard. This article will look at some of these options and examine an alternative solution that helps to combat many of the limitations associated with traditional interactive whiteboard solutions commonly used for classroom applications.  


It is also important that your chosen whiteboard offers good enough visibility for the whole class to see it properly. Viewing angles and screen brightness are often serious issues in classrooms, as many still rely on projectors and front projection screens to display content. Front projection screens in classrooms can present consistent problems for teachers, primarily causing shadows, calibration issues and that’s not to mention the general care to be taken over projectors which are subjected to heavy use. With this, also comes other considerations, such as classroom lighting levels, projector settings, projector bulb life, screen brightness and viewing angles. These are things that need assessing in depth before purchasing an interactive front projection screen for a classroom.


In recent years, many schools have started to utilize the benefits of the internet by engaging online with international ‘pen pals’, fulfilling elements of the curriculum. Our IQBoard Interactive Whiteboard offers the ultimate solution for this, being equipped with an integrated webcam for simple video conferencing, making entire classroom conferences possible. This may also be beneficial for higher educational facilities such as Universities or Colleges, who may wish to feature video conferencing as part of their seminar structure. 


We offer an OPS PC as an additional extra with our IQBoard interactive whiteboard. Permanent PC ‘stations’ are frequently utilised by Primary schools or smaller Secondary schools, with many other educational facilities opting to supply staff with laptops. Our interactive whiteboard facilitates both these approaches, offering easy access front connectivity for HDMI and USB.


An investment in this technology would provide an overall enormous benefit to your educational institution when compared to many alternatives on the market, and there should be no reason why your school or University can not benefit from this superior solution as much as possible.

Our IQBoard Interactive Whiteboard is both simple and intuitive, offering teachers the latest and most responsive touch technology to support an active and inspired learning environment.


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